camp students

What is CAMP?

The College Assistance Migrant Program (CAMP) is a federally-funded program designed to support students from migrant and seasonal farm worker backgrounds during their first year in college. 

This program, which has achieved a stunning success rate since inception, is funded through grants from the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Migrant Education and is administered by universities, colleges and non-profit organizations nationwide.

Watch our Introduction Video!

image of introduction scene of video

image of intro screen of video

Who is Eligible to be a CAMP Student?

Student must fulfill one of the following:

  • You or your parent(s) worked at least 75 days in the past 24 months in migrant/seasonal farm work (including crop, dairy, poultry or livestock production, the cultivation or harvest of trees, or on a fish farm)
  • You are eligible or have participated in a Migrant Education Program (MEP)
  • You are eligible or have participated in National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)

* If you have a concern on qualification eligibility contact:
Noe Gonzalez
Office: (541) 881-5508
Cell:    ‪(541) 264-5869
Oregon Trail Building, Room 104 

CAMP Eligibility Checklist:

In addition to the above requirement, the student must also:

  • Be a permanent resident or citizen of the United States
  • Be a first-year incoming student
  • Enroll as full-time student at 威尼斯人娱乐城 (12 credits/quarter)
  • Be eligible for federal financial aid (FAFSA)

CAMP students are eligible for the following support services:


academic resources

  • Academic Advising
  • Personal Counseling
  • Career Advising & Job Search Skills Development

Social & Cultural

social & cultural resources

  • Orientation & Study Skill Workshops
  • Access to Cultural, Recreational & Academic Events
  • Other Services as Needed


financial resources

  • Stipend Throughout the Academic Year
  • Book Allowance to Cover Textbooks
  • Supplemental Aid to Reduce Debt & Meet Financial Need

CAMP staff work with many departments on campus to provide CAMP students with additional resources and support as needed.

image of camp event with many students


"What I enjoyed the most about CAMP this year is that they were all helpful in every way and really understanding about things and made me feel like we were all a family. :)" - Student from 2019-2020 Cohort.


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